UV Detector

Upgrade your addressable fire alarm system with our UV Detector, utilizing ultraviolet technology for early and accurate fire detection. Tailored for environments with potential combustion risks, this detector ensures swift response and seamless integration, enhancing overall fire safety measures with proactive and precise detection.


Elevate your fire detection capabilities with our UV Detector, a specialized component in your addressable fire alarm system. This detector utilizes ultraviolet technology for early and accurate fire detection, particularly in environments with potential combustion risks. Seamlessly integrated into your system, it ensures swift response and reliable identification of fire threats. With its tailored design for specific fire risks, the UV Detector enhances the overall effectiveness of your fire safety measures. Invest in this advanced solution for proactive and precise detection, safeguarding lives and property in environments with unique fire challenges.

  • Ultraviolet Technology: Ensures accurate and early fire detection.
  • Tailored Design: Specifically designed for environments with potential combustion risks.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrates effortlessly with addressable fire alarm systems.

  • Detection Technology: Ultraviolet technology for precise fire detection.
  • Environment: Tailored design for environments with potential combustion risks.
  • Integration: Seamless integration with addressable fire alarm systems.