Hooter MCP

Amplify safety protocols with our Hooter MCP, a vital component of the LHSC Detection System. This Manual Call Point ensures swift activation for immediate evacuation alerts, seamlessly integrating into the LHSC network. With clear and distinct audible alarms, it enhances the overall efficiency and responsiveness of your safety infrastructure during critical situations.


The Hooter MCP, a key element of our LHSC Detection System, adds an audible layer of safety to your environment. This Manual Call Point ensures prompt evacuation alerts in case of emergencies. Designed for simplicity and efficiency, it integrates seamlessly into the LHSC network, providing a clear and distinct alarm signal. Enhance your safety infrastructure with the Hooter MCP, a crucial component that amplifies the effectiveness of your LHSC Detection System, offering both visual and audible cues for swift action during critical situations.

  1. Manual Call Point: Allows manual activation for immediate alerts.
  2. Integration: Seamlessly connects to LHSC Detection System.
  3. Audible Alerts: Clear and distinct alarms for prompt evacuation.
  4. Efficiency: Simple and easy to use for quick response.

  • Compatibility: Specifically designed for integration with LHSC Detection System.
  • Activation Method: Manual push-button for immediate alerts.
  • Sound Level: Audible alerts at a specified decibel level.
  • Connectivity: Integrated into the central LHSC network.